This was the final project for a class I taught at UC Denver, in the Fall of 2012. We called it Tower of Babel, and it was a Projection Mapping project,
Fine 4500/4510/5500 Kinetic/Advanced/Graduate Sculpture, College of Arts and Media.
Students built the structure, custom projector mounts for 3 projectors, did the custom mapping to the structure, and created all the projected imagery and sound components using a variety of tools including Mad Mapper, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP, VDMX, Processing, After Effects. The sound was created interactively by the movement of people in the campus gallery. We built the structure for the projections and tested various components including all the projection geometry. Our deadline was set with an opening event in the gallery. Once the installation was ‘tuned’, we staged the space, and made final adjustments prior to the full day ‘open house’ gallery event.
The theme was “Tower of Babel” which related not only to the variety of tools and languages we used, but to the strong individual voices that made up the group as a whole.
Students: Donald Anderson, Ryan Cutter, Erick Garcia-Torres, Josh Garza, Kelly Jones, Sara Lornitzo, Max Nelson, Peter Roach, Kevin Turvey, Brian Ward, Walter Ware.